Poster Presentation

Poster Presentation

Caroline Mvilongo Tsimi

Yaounde Central Hospital, Cameroon

Title: Bilateral retinoblastoma with extra-retinal diffusion: 2 cases series

Biography Abstract

Poster Presentation

Seong-Joon Kim

Seoul National University College of Medicine, South Korea

Title: Newly developed binocular treatment of amblyopia using head-mounted display

Biography Abstract

Poster Presentation

Morreale Bubella Raffaella

University of Palermo, Italy

Title: A case report of optic disk drusen in the patient with partial trisomy 16q

Biography Abstract

Poster Presentation

Mohamed Mostafa Kamel Diab

Ain Shams University, Egypt

Title: Intravitreal bevacizumab (Avastin) with peripheral retinal cryotherapy for patients with posterior retinopathy of prematurity and vitreous hemorrhage

Biography Abstract

Poster Presentation

Mohamed Mostafa Kamel Diab_2

Ain Shams University, Egypt

Title: Modifiable amplified rectus muscle transposition fine surgery with or without ciliary vessel sparing

Biography Abstract

Poster Presentation

Mohamed Mostafa Kamel Diab_3

Ain Shams University, Egypt

Title: Role of the fibromuscular bundles of orbital connective tissues in unpredicted outcome following strabismus surgery by using peribulbar sensorimotor differential block

Biography Abstract