Svetlana V Alekseenko
Pavlov Institute of Physiology-Russian Academy of Sciences, Russia
Svetlana V Alekseenko is an expert in Binocular Vision. Originally a Biophysicist, till 1992 she investigated the directional and orientation selectivity of visual cortical neurons in the cat at University of Vilnius, where she completed her PhD degree. Then she moved to Pavlov Institute of Physiology in St. Petersburg and switched to morphological studies of the neu-ronal connections which are providing the binocular vision in cats. On the basis of neuroana-tomical data, she has built the map of threedimensional visual space representation in the primary cortex, which allows the understanding of absolute disparity coding in this area. She became Habilitated Scientist in 2004. Her further research was studying the postnatal plastici-ty of neuronal connections especially during the development of disbinocular and deprivation amblyopia.