Fabrizio Bonucci
Specialist Aesthetic Medicine and Dentistry
Urban Medical Beauty of Rome
Dr.Fabrizio BONUCCI MDDSurgeon Doctor and Dental Practinioner; Aesthetic Medicine Doctor. Degree with praise in Medicine and Surgery in 1985, Univ. La SapienzaRome;-Specialization with praise in Surgery of Digestive System andSurgical Digestive Endoscopy in 1988, Univ. La Sapienza, Rome;-Master S.I.M.E.O. in Facial Aesthetic Medicine, Rome, 2014. Experience and Partnership with: Dpt of General Surgery of VillaS.Pietro Hospital, Rome; Dpt of Oncologic Surgery of Regina ElenaHospital, Rome; Dpt of Endoscopy 1st Surgery Clinic, Umberto 1stGeneral Hospital, Rome; Dpt of General Surgery of S.Eugenio Hospital,Rome.
Research Interest
Aesthetic Medicine and Dentistry