Prof. Banu Cosar
Acibadem University, Department of Ophthalmology in Istanbul
Prof. C. Banu Cosar (1972), MD, has completed her education at Hacettepe University and Ankara Numune Research and Training Hospital in Turkey. She is a former Fellow of the Cornea Service, Wills Eye Hospital, USA. Currently, she is the Director of Acibadem University, Department of Ophthalmology in Istanbul, Turkey. She is specialized in corneal diseases, cataract and refractive surgery. Prof. Cosar has published more than 130 articles, abstracts, and reports in professional journals and has delivered more than 25 invited lectures. She is the author of 22 ophthalmology book chapters. She is also a reviewer for 5 ophthalmology journals. She is also the founder of Matrix, a contract research organization providing support to the pharmaceutical, biotechnology, and medical device industries.
Research Interest
Corneal diseases, Cataract and Refractive surgery