Ciubotaru Andreea
Infosan Eye Clinic, Romania
Title: Restrictive strabismus surgery using topical anesthesia
Biography: Ciubotaru Andreea
In thyroid ophthalmomiopathy, approximately 5% of patients may require strabismus surgery, the goal of the surgical intervention being the release of diplopia in primary and reading positions. In such cases, intraoperative dosage depends on the deviation measured preoperatively, the intraoperatively tested passive motility and the surgeon’s experience. However, the overcorrection, which occurs even after adjustable surgery, can lead to a series of complications, especially in cases of inferior muscle recession (most commonly affected in thyroid ophthalmopathy): ocular proptosis growth, lower eyelid retraction,
vertical incomitance (A phenomena), down-gaze limitation, secondary contracture of the ipsilateral antagonists.To minimize all these risks, in cases of thyroid ophthalmopathy we practice restrictive strabismus surgery using topical anesthesia, this method having the advantage of active motility testing intraoperatively comparing to adjustable surgery This paper presents step by step an inferior rectus recession performed after topical anesthesia cases with severe hypotropia.