Muhammad Irfan Karamat
King Edward Medical University
Title: Band intrusion, a rare complication of scleral buckling
Biography: Muhammad Irfan Karamat
A 12 year old male with marfanoid features (Picture 1) presented in our Out patient clinic with painless decreased vision in both eyes. His past ocular history revealed retinal detachment in left eye 5 years ago for which he under went scleral buckling.There is no history of recent trauma or systemic association. Occular examination showed that best corrected visual acuity was 6/60 and 6/36 in right and left eye respecitvely. Intra Ocular Pressure was 10 and 12mmHg. Patient was having corneal diameters of 15mm and 16mm and axial length of 32.4 and 32.6mm. There was dislocation of nucleus in the vitrous cavity bilaterally. Both pupil were constricted,irregular and they could not be dilated with medication. Anterior chamber was deep and quiet. Iris was atrophic and tremulous (picture 2). Fundal examination through the undilated pupil showed a retinal detachment involving the macula in the right eye and a sclearl band intruding into the globe superonasally with adhesions at the sight of band intrusion (Picture 3,4). B- scan revealed an intact, quite globe with band intrusion superiorly and dropped nucleus in the vitreous cavity in left eye. Patient’s systemic evalution was done to rule out any association. General physical examination showed that patient was tall, and thin with significantelly broad horizantal arm span (Picture 1). Homocystein levels were within normal limits.There was no arotic disection or M.V prolapse on chest X ray and Echocardiography. He underwent right eye scleral buckling along with dropped nucleus removal and pars plana vitrectomy. Laser was applied to the retina at 1st post operative week. We did not plan any surgery for left eye as the eye was quite and chances of globe rupture were very high. Patient was advised a close follow up for both eyes. He developed silicon oil induced raised intra-ocular pressure in right eye which was managed conservatively. After 5 years of follow up, patient again developed retinal detachment in left eye for which he under went vitrectomy with oil without cutting the intruded band.currently,(8 weeks since surgery) his retina is attached.