Call for Abstract

4th Global Pediatric Ophthalmology Congress, will be organized around the theme “Future of Eye”

Pediatric Ophthalmology is comprised of 13 tracks and 0 sessions designed to offer comprehensive sessions that address current issues in Pediatric Ophthalmology.

Submit your abstract to any of the mentioned tracks. All related abstracts are accepted.

Register now for the conference by choosing an appropriate package suitable to you.

Pediatric Ophthalmology also focuses on highlighted issues which affect the pediatric vision such as pediatric uveitis, genetic eye disease, developmental abnormalities and more. It is a vision development disorder which is also known as lazy eye. Amblyopia is an eye problem which emerges in kids can also be present in adults. The mechanism of this condition includes the differences of vision in both eyes i.e. the vision in one is weaker to compare to other. It is recommended to have regular vision screening of your child to avoid permanent vision damage. The initial symptoms include abnormal tilting, movements of the eye and improper alignment of both the eyes.

  • Childhood Malignancies
  • Congenital Cataract
  • Congenital Glaucoma
  • Nystagmus
  • Strabismus
  • Trauma
  • Diagnostic & Screening

Management for pediatric cataracts should be individualized and requires experienced team work. Most cases of congenital cataracts are familial or idiopathic; only rarely are they associated with metabolic disorders or ocular abnormalities. The time and method of treatment are of crucial importance for visual rehabilitation. Cataract surgery is indicated when the opacity significantly obscures the visual axis. The pediatric eye is not simply a miniaturized adult eye, surgery should be performed by an experienced surgeon and the postoperative course needs to be monitored carefully.

  • Blurry vision
  • Trauma
  • Nuclear cataracts
  • Congenital cataracts
  • Traumatic cataracts
  • Radiation cataracts
  • Phacoemulsification

Pediatric optometry refers to the examination of children's eyes by optometrists who are trained to evaluate and treat visual disorders in children. Pediatric optometrists work closely with the pediatric ophthalmologists when a patient needs medical or surgical treatments.

  • Tear film Biochemistry
  • Ocular homeostasis
  • Glaucoma management  
  • Visual psychophysics

Strabismus is the medical term for misalignment of the eyes – two eyes that are not straight. It occurs in at least 5% of the population. There are three common types: Esotropia, or “cross eye,” where one eye is turned inward, toward the nose, Exotropia and Hypertropia.Our eyes are such a beautiful gift, so when a child is diagnosed with acute pediatric strabismus, it’s natural that parents are concerned and want to help their child. Strabismus can run in families. Sometimes the condition is due to the eyes being out of focus; in this case, eye glasses are part of the treatment. Sometimes there is a problem with the eye muscles or nerves.

Strabismus can also be caused by a serious problem inside the eye, such as a tumor or a cataract, which leads to poor vision.

  • Restrictive strabismus
  • Paralytic strabismus
  • Ocular muscles
  • Inflammation of eye muscles
  • Orbital fractures
  • Double vision
  • Drooping eyelids

The retina is the light-sensing tissue that resides in the back of your eye. It is responsible for relaying images to your brain. Without a healthy retina, you can’t read, drive, or see fine details. A retinal disorder or disease affects this very important tissue, which, in turn, can affect vision to the point of blindness.

Common retinal conditions include floaters, macular degeneration, diabetic eye disease, retinal detachment, and retinitis pigmentosa. There are other issues that can occur, but these conditions are some of the most common and serious that a person can experience.

  • Floaters
  • Macular degeneration
  • Diabetic eye disease
  • Retinal detachment
  • Genetic predisposition
  • Retinitis Pigmentosa

Pediatric Glaucoma is comparative rare. Primary infantile/primary congenital glaucoma occurs at a rate of approximately one in ten thousand.   Glaucoma represents a group of diseases which is characterized by the damage to the optic nerve which often occurs with the very high pressure in the eye. The damage of the optic nerve can lead to severe vision loss.  Elderly patients are more prone to glaucoma but it can develop at any age. There are different signs and symptoms are associated with infants and Childrens than adults. Large eyes, excessive tearing and cloudy eyes are the signs of glaucoma in children under age 2.

  • Pediatric cataracts
  • Genetic disorders
  • Accommodative insufficiency
  • Abnormal vision development
  • Congenital malformations affecting vision
  • Retinopathy at prematurity
  • Diagnosis and Treatment

As your youngster's vision framework builds up, the conclusion and treatment of conditions that influence the eyes is intricate on the grounds that neurological complexities might add to issues with sight and eye capacity. Neuro-ophthalmology is a subspecialty of neurology and ophthalmology, requiring mastery in the working of the eye and the muscles and nerves that control the eye. "Because of the liberal representation of the afferent visual framework inside of the cerebrum, neurological infection might upset vision as a displaying side effect or as an optional impact of the illness. Then again, early formative aggravations of vision frequently disturb visual engine control frameworks, offering ascend to complex issue, for example, nystagmus, strabismus, and torticollis. The signs and manifestations of neurological illness are subtle by their extremely nature, showing a bewildering symptomatic test. Neurological pharmaceuticals and neurosurgical medications can create neuro-ophthalmological brokenness that can be hard to recognize from malady movement. Influenced patients might encounter significant deferrals in conclusion, and are regularly subjected to broad (and costly) indicative testing.

  • Neuro ophthalmology
  • Uveitis
  • Toticollis
  • Strabismus

Commonly referred to a "lazy eye," amblyopia occurs when one eye has worse vision than the other, and the brain begins to favour the better eye. This will occur if one of the eyes is blocked from producing clear images during the critical years from ages 0 to 6. One eye may sbe inhibited by problems such as a lid droop, tumour, or crossed eyes (strabismus) that are not fixed when a child is young. It is crucial to have young children evaluated by an eye doctor in order to ensure that subtle signs of amblyopia are not present.

  • Lazy eye
  • Dilating eye drops
  • Toxic Amblyopia
  • Nutritional Amblyopia
  • Blepharophimosis
  • Ptosis
  • Epicanthus inversus

The diverse malignant tumors of the eye and encompassing structures go under visual oncology where the screening and determination of the tumors is done. Retinoblastoma is the most widely recognized tumor of the eye happen in youngsters.

  • Eyelid Tumour
  • Congenital Tumour
  • Intraocular tumour
  • Orbital Tumour
  • Ocular Metastasis
  • Ocular pharmacotherapeutics
  • Intravitreal chemotherapy

Cataracts are one of the sight-related complications of diabetes that can cause misting or blurring of vision. Attending regular eye checks as part of your annual diabetic review will help your health team to identify any signs of cataracts at an early stage and advise on treatment.

Diabetes is one of the key factors that result in the development of cataracts. Although the reasons why still not fully understood, people with diabetes mellitus are statistically face a 60% greater risk of developing cataracts. As with most complications of diabetes, maintaining good control of your blood sugar levels will help to reduce your risk.

In addition, research has shown that people with type 2 diabetes who lower their HbA1c level by just 1% can reduce their risk of cataracts by 19%. 

  • Macular oedema
  • Diabetic retinopathy
  • Glucagonoma
  • Gestational Diabetes
  • Cystic Fibrosis related to diabetes
  • Retinopathy screening test
  • Visual impairment

Age-related macular degeneration (AMD) is gradual damage to the cells of the macula. This condition is most common in people over 60 years old. It causes blurry vision, especially in the center of the field of view.  AMD is the leading cause of blindness among people over age 55 in the United States.

  • Blurred Vision
  • Visual field
  • Visual Hallucinations
  • Mental Illness
  • Photodynamic Therapy
  • Distorted Vision

The health-care profession concerned especially with examining the eye for defects and faults of refraction, with prescribing correctional lenses or eye exercises, with diagnosing diseases of the eye, and with treating such diseases or referring them for treatment.

Vision science encompasses all studies of vision, such as how human and non-human organisms’ process visual information, how conscious visual perception works in humans, how to exploit visual perception for effective communication, and how artificial systems can do the same tasks.

  • Ocular drug delivery
  • Orthokeratology
  • Epidemiology of contact lens related infection
  • Binocular Vision
  • Visual electrophysiology
  • Myopia Control
  • Visual Processing
  • Development of the visual system

Ophthalmic Research is a branch of ophthalmic sciences that arrangements with the eye life systems, physiology and eye issue. It is the clinical ophthalmic research including eye issue, vision, therapeutic, surgical and optical care.

Progresses in ophthalmic medication conveyance frameworks, for example, Punctual Plugs, Ocular Therapeutics, Mate therapeutics (QLT) and gel-shaping drops can be leap forward in ophthalmic research and propel drug conveyance framework to boost the helpful impact of a specific medication. Topical blend of corticosteroid and against infective operators, Drugs utilized as a part of the treatment of hypersensitive conjunctivitis, Oral and topical nonsteroidal calming specialists (NSAIDs) and Retinoblastoma chemotherapy are few created detailing to treat ophthalmic sicknesses. Organizations like Allergan, Pfizer, Bausch + Lomb, Merck and Co. what's more, Regeneron are effectively partaken in ophthalmic research and tranquilize advancement. By (Ophthalmic Drugs: World Market Prospects - 2013-2023; October 2013), the overall ophthalmic business sector was $17.5 billion in 2011 and is relied upon to develop to $34.7 billion by 2023, speaking to a 5.9% aggravated yearly development rate.

  • Sustained delivery approaches
  • Diagnostic dye solutions
  • Drugs used in the treatment of allergic conjunctivitis
  • Ocular and systemic side effects of drugs
  • Tropical combination of corticosteroid and anti-infective agents
  • Transplantation technologies for retina